So Boston Magazine has a list of the Best Craft Beer in New England (See list here). The list as a whole isn't that bad, definitely some of my favorites on there, but there are a few issues I have with it.
1. They only sampled 33, and chose 15. 33, that's it? The sample size wouldn't even cover Massachusetts, does the writers at Boston Magazine even like to drink!? To add a bit to this, with each "style" having a runner up, all but three beers made the list.
2. They seem to have forgotten about Connecticut and Vermont (almost!) completely. No worries though, one of the Best Double IPAs in the area comes out of Connecticut (and Vermont will get it's own number trust me). I have to wonder if they even sampled anything from Connecticut.
3. Somehow #9 made the list, but nothing from Hill Farmstead or the Alchemist. I know, again, the excuse is going to be, well it's not easy to get. Of course the article doesn't mention anything about the beers being available, easily. So I have to assume they just didn't like Edward or Heady Topper
4. Why in the hell is number six on their list a Tripel/Quad category. Why not just put IPA and Stout together? The differences between the two beers are...well it's not close. Although they did pick the right brewery for this category as I think Pretty Things makes the best Quad and Tripel in this list.
5. Session Ale, I am sorry but this should have been Notch Session's category instead they win best Pilsner (they make a great Pilsner btw). Did they just go oh well Notch makes a good Pilsner, can't win Session too.
6. Where in the F is the Lager category?! Oh never mind, Light Lager and Amber Lager are the only types of Lager, don't mention the fact that Jack's Abby is making some great Lagers and get not even a mention.
I have a few issues with what they chose (The Stout category especially), but I am going to leave it at that. I know these list are personal preference, but I want to see some thought go into these.