There are two things in this world I enjoy thoroughly. Beer is one, the other is Disney. So when we go to Disney during their Food and Wine fest I am a happy man, mostly because I love food too.
My gripe is although Disney does a solid job with Wine and a great job with the food, the beer just isn't good. The local beers are better, but nothing from Cigar City or Swamp Head Brewing. How can you even have a Florida booth and not have Cigar City, they are clearly the most prominent brewery in the state.
Another issue is where are the brewers dinners. These, in my opinion, would be a great way for Disney to showcase some smallish breweries who don't have the production to distribute everywhere. They could also just have Sam Adams do it again, and that would even be great. Jim Koch is a great guy to listen to talk about beer.
I also don't get how we can't have more American Craft Beer. I look at the list, and I do love that Sam Adams is fully represented, and the scant few other decent craft beers are nice. But there are some pretty glaring omissions. I get there are some breweries that just don't have the production to serve at a fest like this, but there are some that could, at least for a few weeks. Stone, New Belgium, Dogfish Head, and the list goes on from there. But Disney sticks with whatever beer AB/InBev tells them to, which brings me my next point. WHERE THE FUCK IS GOOSE ISLAND?! Why aren't they full integrated in the beer fest?! They are an InBev brewery and it seems like Disney is carrying lot's of InBev beers, but WHERE IS GOOSE ISLAND!
That will do for my rant for now. I will end this on one finally point. Disney, please stop pretending the beers you carry in the Belgium pavilion all. They make the best beer in the world, and you pick some of the worst beer made there.