Trying to get more into blogging this year, and figured the thing I am best equipped to talk about is beer.
I figured the best way to start is a list of the top 20 beers that were new to me last year. So without any more delay, in no particular order, my top 20 (no way was I ranking these).
80 Acre Wheat - Boulevard Brewing - I never knew I wanted a hoppy wheat ale until I tried this. Whenever I see a six pack of this I snag it for sure.
Bee Tea - Night Shift Brewing - One of the best new breweries in Massachusetts, one that I waited to long to find. First time I had this beer I was blown away, I will be seeking more Night Shift in 2013
Narwahl - Sierra Nevada - Sierra Nevada seemed to decide to make some great imperial beers this year (Hoptium is another). This beer was easy to get, and this made me happy.
Cucumber Saison - Cigar City - Vacationing in Orlando allows me to find a good amount of Cigar City beer, this wasn't one of them. Luckily a friend got one through a trade. One of the more unique beers I had, but one that I fell in love with quickly
Wookey Jack - Firestone Walker - I don't believe Firestone Walker makes a bad beer, this was no exception.
Jimmy - Hill Farmstead - This is the beginning of sort of a theme, Hill Farmstead is still my favorite brewery. This beer was probably one of the most complex beers I have ever had.
Society and Solitude 4 - Hill Farmstead - There is tons of hype for Heady Topper, and it is an amazing beer, but there are a few Double IPA's from Greensboro VT that are just that much better. This is one of those beers.
Meadowlark - Pretty Things - Best IPA made in Massachusetts IMO. From a company that hadn't made an America Style beer before it.
Cocoa Mole - New Belgium - This is a beer people are either going to love or hate. I loved it, finally a chocolate Chili beer that was a perfect balance.
Love Child #2 - Boulevard - I am a huge fan of Sours, and this beer provided me with what I seek. My only regret was buying only one bottle of this.
Sucaba - Firestone Walker - One of the best Barleywines I have ever had, again I love Firestone Walker.
Anna - Hill Farmstead - If I had to choose a number one beer this year, it would be hard to not choose this beer. Just an amazing Saison.
Porch Rocker - Samuel Adams Brewery - My new summer beer, so refreshing on a hot day. I just hope I can find it through the whole Summer this year.
Double Sunshine - Lawson's Finest Liquid - After a few trips up to Vermont the year before, this beer eluded me. Finally in May, we decided to break down and take a trip to Warren, and the Warren Store. I was rewarded with what might be the best Double IPA I have had (wait didn't I already kind of say that?)
Banryu Ichi - Cambridge - I loved this beer/sake Hybrid. Not only for the chance the brewer took on it, but how delicious it was.
Lou Pepe Kriek - Cantillon - If you don't get why this on the list, well...I don't know what to say.
Hopslam - Bell's - Got this in a trade. One of the better Double IPA's I have ever had. The plan was to drink these over a few nights, did it in one instead
Kate the Great - Portsmouth Brewery - Five Hours in line in freezing cold weather, for a beer. Not sure I would wait again, but this beer is one amazing stout. I am really hoping we see Tod Mott brew this again, and make it more widely available.
Bourbon County Coffee - Goose Island - I don't care who owns this brewery, this beer is amazing.
Noble Rot - Dogfish Brewing - Tried this more on a whim, and was greatly surprised. If you want wine drinkers to love beer, get them this. If you like beer, you should also have this beer.
So that's my list, all beers new to me this year, agree/disagree it's up to you.